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freckle type segregation是什么意思



1)freckle type segregation,斑点状偏析2)speckle segregation,斑点状偏析3)General Spotted Segregation,一般斑点状偏析4)pattern,斑点5)speckle,斑点6)spot,斑点7)mottle,斑点8)mottling,斑点9)speckled,斑点10)speck,斑点


    The development of high-tech reconnaissance have impelled the development of measures in target pattern painting camouflage.


    The distribute characteristic of background image pattern which is the important basis for the implementation of camouflage,a method based on region growing is put forward to extract pattern of the background image.


    New exploration of surface speckles of electronic-vacuum ceramics;


    A technique of speckle reduction in synthetic aperture radar(SAR) images was presented.

    提出了一种新的SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar)图像降噪方法,利用小波变换对空间位置信息保留的特性,依据小波变换后近似图像仍满足吉布斯分布,将模拟退火算法引入到小波域中,首先,根据SAR功率图像斑点的特性,对传统的同态变换方法做出了相应的修正,大大降低了处理结果的辐射偏差,提高了等效视数,然后在多分辨率理论和小波变换理论基础上,选用适合特定图像的最优小波基进行分解,最后对小波变换后的近似图像进行模拟退火处理,对各个细节图像有选择地进行软阈值处理。

    A new adaptive contourlet transform-based technique for speckle removal from SAR images is presented.


    There are many brown spots on the diamonds from Hunan Province, which is one of the three important diamond places in China.

    湖南省是我国 3个主要金刚石产地之一 ,所产金刚石的表面有大量的褐色斑点。

    The surface topography and composition of normal coating and spot were investigated by scanning electron microscope and energy dispersion spectrum.


    The intensity and the position of spots in image can be got through the GSDE image, and the spots are.


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