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sap wood是什么意思



1)sap wood,边材(木材)2)list,边材木条3)sap wood sleeper,边材木枕4)sapwood tree,边材树木5)wood peel,木材边皮6)alburnum volume of wood,耳木边材量


    But for wood peel’s special shape, it go against machine peeling, so generally the way of peeling is handwork in China.


    Through studies and practices of 20 years on high yield cultivation techniques of black Jew s Ear,3 key questions that are species of fungus ,alburnum volume of wood and technical management in production of black Jew s Ear are summarized.

    通过对黑木耳丰产栽培技术 2 0a研究和实践 ,总结黑木耳丰产的 3个关键问题是 :菌种、耳木边材量、技术管理。

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