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metal deposits是什么意思



1)metal deposits,沉积金属2)deposite metal films,沉积金属薄膜3)electro spark deposition of ceramet,电火花沉积金属陶瓷4)Electrodeposition of metals and alloys,电沉积金属和合金5)nickel,dipping,(搪瓷)镍被膜[在钢片表面沉积金属镍薄层的操作]6)nickel,flashing,(搪瓷)镍被膜[在钢片表面沉积金属镍薄层的操作]


    For the further investigation on the desulfurization effect of the oxidation numbers of the vanadium and nickel deposits on FCC catalyst, TPR method was chosen to characterize the oxidation number of metal deposits quantitatively.


    In the paper, the surface treating technologies are divided into three classes, and then the technologies such as NQN compound reinforcement, rare earth surface hardening, laser surface hardening, electro spark deposition of ceramet, chemical compound plating, etc.


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