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single operator welding machine是什么意思



1)single operator welding machine,单式弧焊接机2)arc welding robot cell,弧焊机器人焊接单元3)single operator arc welding machine,单人弧焊机4)single operator welding machine,单站弧焊机5)multiple-arc unit,多弧焊接机6)electric arc welding machine,电弧焊接机


    The paper describes system constitution and characteristics about arc welding robot cell in the light of welding requirement and product features of automotive parts.

    从汽车焊接零件的产品特点及焊接要求出发 ,结合研制的弧焊机器人焊接单元的使用情况 ,分析了系统构成及系统特征 ,着重研究了机器人焊接夹具的设计、电气控制系统的配置、焊接工艺的选定等 。

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