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single microstructure是什么意思



1)single microstructure,单相组织2)single/double phase morphology,单/双相组织3)single-phase ε structure,单相ε组织4)single phase ferrite,单相铁素体组织5)quasi-single phase ferrite,准单相铁素体组织6)single crystal organization,单晶组织


    The major process parameters such as temperature,nitrogen potential were controlled to obtain a single-phase ε structure on compound layer.


    The experimental results have shown that the quasi-single phase ferrite matrix micro-structure can be obtained by isothermal holding between 650℃ and 750℃ after deformation, and the pearlite could be eliminated.

    结果表明,变形后在650-750℃等温100 s时可获得准单相铁素体组织从而基本消除珠光体组织。

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