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stack fault energies是什么意思



1)stack fault energies,堆垛层错能2)stacking fault energy,堆垛层错能(SFE)3)low stacking fault energy crystal,低堆垛层错能的晶体<冶>4)stacking,堆垛5)Pile,堆垛6)piling,堆垛


    Then stack fault energies in va.

    01K)时的不同滑移系的堆垛层错能和(1/6)<11(?)]{111}孪生系的孪晶能,发现γ-TiAl较一般面心立方(Face-Centered Cubical,FCC)晶体可动滑移系数目明显减少。

    The Design of Carbon block Stacking Crane;


    The full-scale experimental method is used to study the characteristics and behaviors of fire and flame development of the simulated standard component of electrical household appliance in different rack and stacking forms unprotected by sprinklers.


    To handle the separating, cutting and stacking problems in production of playing card in China, pipelining mode involving auto separation with discal blade, auto-stacking with stacking framework was adopted distinct from traditional mode of punching separating, manual neatening and stacking.


    The temperature and humidity distributing conditions of ammunition depot on the ground is tested,initial research on the ammunition quality change of different pile positions in the long-term storage is conducted for the different temperature and humidity.


    Based on the actual fire characteristics in home electrical appliances emporium,the full-size fire experimental study was carried out with simulated typical assemblies of home appliances in shelved and piled forms.


    This paper conceives a digitizing pile based on the analysis of the characteristics of pack ammunition storage and management.


    Study and design on the piling model of section steel;


    Temperature distribution during wheel piling is simulated using the thermal analysis module as well as "element birth and death" and contact features of finite element analysis software ANSYS (Ver 6.


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