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electroslag welding with tube electrode是什么意思



1)electroslag welding with tube electrode,管极电渣焊2)ding with plate electrode,板极电渣焊3)ding with wire electrode,丝极电渣焊4)strip electrode electroslag surfacing,带极电渣堆焊5)build-up welding with electroslag and plate electrode,躺极电渣堆焊6)ESW-WE machine,丝极电渣焊机


    For the ultra - low - carbon austenitic stainless steel, using the process of strip electrode electroslag surfacing and the standardized heat treatment process of 600 MW nuclear vessels (615℃×29 h) , the mechanism of grain boundary phase eduction in weld metal is analysed deeply.

    针对超低碳奥低体不锈钢堆焊材料,采用带极电渣堆焊工艺,应用600 MW核容器标准热处理规范——615℃×29h深入研究了堆焊层晶间相析出的机理研究结果表明经615℃×29h热处理后,堆焊层晶间析出了少量的M_(23)C_6碳化物和Y′相未发现σ相、相和X相等金属间脆性化合物。

    In this article, the principle of strip electrode electroslag surfacing is introduced.


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