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integral quantity是什么意思



1)integral quantity,积分热力学量2)thermodynamic integration,热力学积分3)thermodynamic integration method,热力学积分法4)deposition thermodynamics,沉积热力学5)thermodynamic quantity,热力学量6)stoichiometric displacement model for adsorption,热力学函数变分量


    Molecular dynamics simulation and thermodynamic integration method were used to calculate the absolute binding free energy of the protein- ligand complex.

    介绍了用分子动力学模拟与热力学积分法相结合 ,模拟蛋白质与配体的绝对结合自由能的方法 。

    Moreover,the statistic results of the thermodynamic quantity for ideal gas obtained as well.

    在此基础上 ,给出了理想气体热力学量的统计结

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