Using the batch processing of Photoshop to process and improve digital photographs;
This paper presented a new acquisition method to solve this foundational problem,using the batch processing based method to enhance the ability of receiving weak signal and improve the speed of computation.
Starting from the service for readers of university library,this paper researches the batch processing of university library readers’ entering and leaving data in ILASⅡ system.
In this paper,a new stochastic scheduling model of a batch processing machine is presented under the background of freight traffic,aimed at coping with the uncertainty of the transportation time and the delivery time during freight.
In the paper we consider the problem of scheduling jobs with chain precedence constraints on a batching machine and identical parallel machines to minimize makespan.
In the second chapter, we studies the problem of scheduling n jobs on a single batching machine to minimize total weighted late work.
模型为:一台批处理机要加工n个工件,已知每个工件的加时间p_j,权重w_j以及交货期d_j,问怎样分批,怎样排序,使得目标函数sum from j=1 to n (w_j V_j)达到最小。
Dynamic System Identification Based on the Conjugate Gradient Method with Momentum and Batch Techniques;
The general structure and function of batch process stimulating system;
For complex Hybrid Flow Shop (HFS) problems with reentrance, batch processing, setup-time and multiple optimization objectives, a general description for HFS was presented.
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