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strong type language是什么意思



1)strong type language,强类型语言2)Type of reinforcement,增强类型3)strong type; strong typing; strongly-type,强类型4)strong typing abstraction,强类型抽象5)strict type checking; strong type checking,强类型检查6)typed dataset,强类型数据集


    This paper uses the authentication test method to analyze the protocol with the type flaw by getting rid of the strong typing abstraction and adding the concept of the strand templates and a pseudo-operation of the penetrator.

    通过去除Strand空间中的强类型抽象假设 ,引入Strand模板的概念与一个入侵者的伪操作 ,进而利用认证测试方法 ,实现了对具有类型缺陷的认证协议的直接分析 。

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