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request block是什么意思



1)request block,请求块2)Streaming Request Block(SRB),流请求块3)channel request block,通道请求块4)data services request block ,DSRB,数据服务请求块5)request,请求6)requests,请求


    Pragmatic Study of English Request Strategies Employed by Chinese Learners of English;


    Properly proffering request in translation——Comparing and contrasting Chinese and English understanding of politeness and the translatability of request;


    A study of request strategies used in the speech act of apology;


    Chinese advanced English learners are able to produce both grammatically and pragmatically appropriate requests in English,but the data shows that they tend to make a large proportion of direct and explicit requests in English to their peers through emails with CCARP as the framework for data analysis.


    For obvious social reasons,“requests”are the kind of illocutionary speech act which are more likely to be performed in a polite manner.


    Although the basic structure and information sequence of text of requests take on some universal features, yet Chinese people and those of English cultures tend to employ different ways to organize information-different text patterns while communicating the requests with the same content owing to different cultural-based think patterns.


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