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Global functional plane是什么意思



1)Global functional plane,全局功能平面2)plane function,平面功能3)global planarization,全局平面化4)Full Function Point (FFP),全面功能点5)global(function),(计算机)全局功能6)global editing function,全局编辑功能


    Through practical example, it was analyzed how to achieve the construction and development of the hospital in terms of general planning, plane function, environment and form on the basis of various constraints such as constraint of land use.

    通过实例分析了在用地、资金等各方面因素制约下 ,如何从总体布局、平面功能、环境、形式等方面求得医院建设的发展。

    Now, CMP has been regarded as the unique technology to meet the need of global planarization.


    Full Function Point (FFP) is a widely and expediently used method of software Functional Size Measurement (FSM), but it can only measure the static aspects of systems and can not take the interactions and behaviors of objects into consideration.


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