Read out and process about testing data of pressure and temperature gradient has no special commercial soft ware.
The paper presents analysis and discussion of the hard ware allocation and the function of the soft ware of a preliminary designed real time information system for a certain power plant, which may serve as a reference for the ultimate decision on the engineering project.
The research about in telligent media educational soft;
The plan of developing the soft parameter CAD for aluminum barrel stretching mold was given in this paper .
To getting he better project of designing, it s necessary to find a correlative soft to simulate the sound box s character in low frequency performance.
Study of China Softwares Entering the World Market;
This paper states the development of CAI, the theoretical basis of CAI mathematical softwares, the principles of design and its educational functions.
By using C language combining with Autol-lsp language to programming softwares, thedata processing of measuring elastic waves has been made.
Analyzing those reasons,we find that the reason concerns hardware and software,but it isn t easy to judge the reason of software.
This paper also gives the anti-interference measure of the hardware such as power s.
针对测控系统恶劣、复杂的工作环境,分析了几类典型干扰即空间辐射干扰、信号通道干扰、电源干扰以及数字电路引起的干扰的作用机制,阐述了干扰对单片机测控系统产生的不良影响, 并结合实际给出了电源技术、接地技术、隔离、滤波、屏蔽等硬件方面的抗干扰措施,以及数字信号的输入方法、数字信号的输出方法和CPU抗干扰技术等软件方面的抗干扰措施。
A diagram of hardware is given.
Integral design of a wheeled tractor hoist and development of a database analysis software;
The front-head software upgrade and maintenance to the logging information remote transmitting system;
Research and Development of the Generating Software of Riveting and Welding Processes of Pressure Vessels;
The "Three Basics" Project Construction of the Public Security Organ Should Consolidate Six "Software" Foundations;
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