This paper draws attention to two of the main issues in using DNS:one is the effects of different DNS caching policies,and the other is DNS_based server selection,to represent the important role of DNS in reducing user_perceived latency in WWW access.
Routing Servers provide immediate store-and-forward services, routing services, and a remote message store. Routing Servers are usually spread over the network in a redundant way to allow messages to reach a target queue through different paths.
"This Message Queuing server is already defined as an in-routing or out-routing server.
"If you add a routing services, you will need to reconfigure this server.
Research of the Operating and Maintenance System in Extended Services Router
The Reserch on Ears under NGN;
Route Model Realization for Multihomed IIS;
Input filters limit the service advertisements that this router can receive.
Cisco has added an HTTP server to its operating system for Cisco routers.
A networking and communications server provides naming and routing services to clients on the network.
The Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard was not completed successfully.
The Routing and Remote Access Server Setup Wizard completed successfully.
Displays routing group members as virtual server instances.
Research on Key Techniques of Providing Quality-of-Services in High-Performance Router;
Research of QoS Algorithm Based on Various Traffic Transmissions for Wireless Sensor Networks;
Design and Implementation of Integrated Routing and Network Access Server Software;
Research and Implementation on Event Notification Service of ForCES Routers
The HTTP server lets users view the status of routers and switches from a browser.
"Configure the user name and password that the remote router will use when it dials in to this server.\0