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LSU Line Signaling Unit是什么意思



1)LSU Line Signaling Unit,线路信令单元2)LSSU Link Status Signal Unit,链路状态信令单元3)line signaling,线路信令4)line signal element,线路信号单元5)unit line,单元线路6)LU Line Unit,线路单元


    Link Status Signal Units (LSSU) - transport link status information to an adjacent signaling point.

    链路状态信令单元 (LSSU) -- 将链路状态信息传输到某个相邻的信令点。

    LSSU (Link Status Signaling Unit)Last bit of previous unit


    Major State of Link = the major equipage status of the signaling link.

    Major State of Link = 该信令链路的主要设备状态。

    This state Indicates that the AP-DS1 is available for use by an RCS signaling link.

    该状态表明 AP-DS1 可供 RCS 信令链路使用。

    The CHG:SLK command is used to change the minor state of a signaling link.

    CHG:SLK 命令用于改变某个信令链路的次级状态。

    These signal units are used to bring a link up or down and verify that it is working correctly.


    Signal unit initial alignment - invokes initial alignment prior to activating or restoring a signaling link.

    信令单元初始定位 -- 在激活或恢复信令链路之前调用初始定位。

    There are three different types of signal units differentiated by the value contained in the Link Indicator field.


    MTP Level 2 messages are placed in three types of signal units for transport across the link (true or false?)


    SS7 Functionality, Signaling Links

    SS7 功能,信令链路

    MSU (Message Signal Unit)


    Link Status-Based Routing Algorithm LSDSR


    FSU (Fill-in Signal Unit)Signal unit types


    The s7ln form (SS7 link) is used to define the individual SS7 signaling links.

    s7ln 表(SS7 链路)是用于定义各 SS7 信令链路。

    Research on Link Performance Cognition and Channel Status Information Feedback


    send signal element timing circuit


    Signaling links are usually connected in pairs (called linksets) to SS7 nodes.

    信令链路常常成对地(称作链路群) 连接到 SS7 节点。

    restore normal conditions in the event of disruption in the signaling network, either in signaling links or at signaling points


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