Based on the study done by the functional linguists, this paper attempts to discuss given information and the classification of information from the perspective of presupposition and scenario.
语篇信息结构的研究是语篇分析的重要组成部分 ,而信息结构研究中对已知信息的研究历来是语言学家关注的焦点。
As a result, it is defined, from the perspective of the meaning or information rather than from the perspective of the form of the segment, as a proposition based segment with given information and new information as its two constituents.
对信息片段的界定不能从句子表层的形式出发 ,而必须从深层的意义出发 ,是一个以逻辑命题为基础、听者可以一次处理、包含已知信息和未知信息两个结构成分的语段。
The paper briefly reviews the discussions around "givenness" (given information) in the study of information structure,mainly focusing on the accounts from the psychological perspectives by Chafe,Clark and Prince,and attempting to solve some problems in English teaching from a new angle.
Negative Effects of Known Information on Speakers or Writers in Communication;
This article mainly distinguishes theme from subject and topic in the essential meaning,clarifying known information and unknown information.
Making use of known information is also very important to analyse and make good judgement on reading materials and questions,in addition to devoting time and energy to vocabulary,reading speed and reading skills.
已知信息在 CET阅读理解能力中不可忽视。
(2) How do judges seek newer information through various means?
The Known Information Should not Be Overlooked in Reading Comprehension;
Negative Effects of Known Information on Speakers or Writers in Communication;
To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information.
The expression trend of some genes differed from the known information.
The Study and Establishment of Database Management Information System for Known Poplar Varieties;
Simple Algorithm about a New Method for Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Given Preference Information on Alternative;
snippets of information [knowledge]
Information for this resource has changed. A TeamUpdate message should be sent to update the resource.
Provide information about know problem and workarounds specifically for mouse and keyboard problem.
Provide information about known problems and workarounds specifically for mouse and keyboard problems
Ok, I have received your message, pls inform me of you remittance, so I can send you the CDs via STO timely.
References may be made, when relevant, to the information provided in other notifications or reports made to the WTO.
Other Members shall have the right to request information about individual cases of subsidization under a notified programme.
From the previous chapters, we have learned that accounting is information system.
Leaders who don't understand at least the fundamentals of information systems will be at a strategic disadvantage.
an information revolution is lighting the landscape of human knowledge, bringing us all closer together.
Letter Three: Advising Having Effected Insurance