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pilot oil supply passage是什么意思



1)pilot oil supply passage,先导油供油通道2)pilot oil passage,先导油通道3)pilot supply oil,先导供油4)oil feeder channel,供油通道5)pilot oil supply line,先导油供油管路6)pilot oil supply port,先导油供油孔


    On the basis of systematic analysis of reservoir, caprock, oil sources condition and oil feeder channel of buried hill trap, the reservoirforming conditions of the buried hill type reservoir are set forth and oilgas enrichment rules of the reservoir are discussed.

    在系统分析储层、盖层、油源条件及潜山圈闭供油通道的基础上 ,阐述了东营凹陷潜山油藏的成藏条件 ,并探讨了油气富集规律 ,提出了拆离断层带、张扭断裂带、缓坡带 (渐次升高型和渐次降低型 )、褶皱披覆构造带四种潜山聚油模型 ,总结了潜山圈闭油气富集的主要条件。

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