The larger break area, the faster system depressurization, the more the loss of coolant and the shorter critical time.
Discussion on a recommended method to calculate the pressure relief area;
The fire-resisting rating and pressure relief measures of the boiler room are determined.
介绍了拥有热功率为29、58 MW燃煤热水锅炉各4台的天津市空港物流加工区的热源厂锅炉房的平面布置,确定了锅炉房的耐火等级及泄压措施。
It is considered that two super high pressure to high pressure systems exist in the sag mainly taking Lijin subsag and Niuzhuang subsag as center respectively; fault zones around Lijin subsag and Niuzhuang subsag are decompression area; overpressure area appe.
在分析超压和低压形成机制的基础上 ,采用声波时差和地震速度的方法计算地层压力 ,研究了东营凹陷压力系统及其分布特征 ,分析认为凹陷内主要以利津洼陷和牛庄洼陷为中心构成两个超高压—高压系统 ,环利津洼陷和牛庄洼陷的断裂带为泄压区 ;在民丰洼陷和博兴洼陷只有小范围的超压区。
The influence of diameter of pressure released vent and powder loading of composed perforator on the changing process of casing annulus pressure produced by powder deflagration was investigated with an experimental casing model and a dynamic pressure test technology.
In this article,the structure and operation mechanism of 414-6035 water-hitting relief valve made by FISHER company,USA,and used in Luning oil transportation pipeline were introduced in detail.
A new-type nitrogen-filled quick-opening/slow closing relief valve is introduced.
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