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effective chimney height是什么意思



1)effective chimney height,有效烟囱高度2)effective stack height,有效烟囱高度<能>3)effective stack height,烟囱有效高度;有效烟囱高度4)effective stack height,有效烟囱高度;烟囱有效高度5)Chimney height,烟囱高度6)stack height,烟囱高度<冶>


    The basic principles to determine the chimney height of a power plant are meeting the demand of atmospheric diffusion and saving investment,ensuring the maximum ground concentration lower than the controlling goal of the enviromnent.


    By research for rational technique on the height of electricity factory chimney,the article pointed out the main effect factor of contamination falling thickness,and tested the rationality of different chimney height from weather and air influence aspect.


    Has summarized a set of plan of chimney height rational proof,through rearching national standard,stipulation and method of rational-ity of the chimney height and analysing major effect factor of influencing the density pollutant falled to the ground and combinimg some examples of the chimney height rationality design.


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