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brake piston o-ring是什么意思



1)brake piston o-ring,制动器活塞O型密封圈2)service brake piston seal,行车制动器活塞密封圈3)piston O-sealing washer,活塞O形密封圈4)piston o-ring seal,柱塞O型密封圈5)brake piston seal,制动器活塞密封6)piston rod O-sealing washer,活塞杆O形密封圈


    Here a group of theoretical calculation formulas for the total friction resistance produced by piston O-sealing washers and piston rod O-sealing washers are recommended These formulas are deducted through detailed study and calculation for the load and deformation of O-sealing washer on the state of precompress and under the pressure of hydraulic oil o.


    Here a group of theoretical calculation formulas for the total friction resistance produced by piston O-sealing washers and piston rod O-sealing washers are recommended These formulas are deducted through detailed study and calculation for the load and deformation of O-sealing washer on the state of precompress and under the pressure of hydraulic oil o.


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