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free vortex system是什么意思



1)free vortex system,自由涡恋2)free love,恋爱自由3)free amativeness,自由恋爱4)common law marriage,婚恋自由5)free-vortex,自由旋涡6)free vortex,自由涡


    With the popularization of the idea of free love in China,love tragedies saw a steady increase during 1920s and 1940s.


    With the spread of free love after the May 4th Movement,1919,the topic of relationship between spirit(love)and flesh(sex)became ever more prominent.


    To guide youth amativeness,the newspapers and periodicals during the Republic of China Period published a lot of articles,which came up with ideas of free amativeness and marriage,deeply and detailedly discussed the problems about meanings,approaches and annotations of free amativeness.


    Being affected by the ideas of free marriage, college students in the Republic of China period gradually became unwilling to accept traditional arranged marriage and had the impulsion and need for free amativeness.


    Animadverting on the traditional way of marriage, they actively advocated free courtship,and deeply discussed the problems about meanings,value,ethics and approaches of free amativeness.


    The common law marriage,the equality between the sexes and so on are the important expressions in woman liberation.

    婚恋自由、男女平等是妇女解放的重要表现 ,也是毛泽东关于妇女解放思想的重要内容。

    The design of free-vortex aerodynamic window s nozzle;


    The analysis of optical performance of supersonic free-vortex ADW;


    Stationary stability analysis of free vortex trapped by an arbitrary 2-D body;


    A new time-marching free vortex method applied for calculation on rotor aerodynamic characteristics


    The distribution features of the forced vortex,free vortex, compound vortex and spiral vortex in the dynamic hydro_cyclone were obtained.

    在深入研究动态水力旋流器分离机理及分离性能的基础上 ,运用圆管螺旋流动方程式进行了动态水力旋流器内部螺旋流动分布理论研究 ,得到旋流器内部流场按强制涡、自由涡、组合涡及螺旋涡的分布特性。

    Love Freedom and Double Standard of Love--From a Historical perspective of Conflict on the Principle of Love in the Republic of China;


    The love songs of the Dong nationality enjoy the love moral values of freedom of love, sincerity and nobility, boldly courting, and choosing a would-be wife, etc.


    He probably believes in free love!


    On the Thoughts of "Free Courtship" during the May 4th Movement;


    Free verse is like free love;it is contradiction in term.


    Free verse is like free love;it is contradiction in terms.


    Your father gave you a good upbringing.You're a gentleman and not the type to get mixed up with any free courtship.Free courtship never comes to a good end."


    Her father is an ultra-conservative who is still opposed to freedom to choose her spouse.

    她爸是个老古董, 现在还反对她自由恋爱。

    On the Practical Dilemma in the Students’ Free Amativeness during the Republic of China;


    To inspire with unreasoning love or attachment.


    In the past, women got depressed because of the restraint in love and marriage.


    When one is in love one begins by deceiving oneself, and ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls romance.


    After all, does not free love cost the most?


    After all, do not free love cost the most?


    The Oneida community in New York State practiced an idealistic form of free love and held property in common.


    Probing into Love Outlook in Zhang Ailing s Novels from The Love from the Fell-down City;


    Because of the war they were obliged to conduct their courtship by post.


    About the Imbalance of Emotions in Love Observed from Story of Daming Palace;


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