The electric resistance enlarges and the saturation current declines due to drying of concrete in the early days,and in the end they tend towards the stability.
For researching the saturated current and checking the LED chips′ reliability, the relat.
本文汇集各厂家 In Ga Al P超高亮 LED芯片 ,并制成器件 ,对其多种性能进行对比分析 ,测试超高亮 LED的发光强度与电流的关系以研究饱和电流的大小 ,并进行电耐久性试验以考核超高亮 LED芯片的可靠性 ;简要介绍了封装工艺设计对超高亮 L ED性能参数的影响 ,并提出超高亮 LED性能及可靠性的其它要求 ,为客户选用超高亮 LED提供相对的依据。