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Introducing impedance是什么意思



1)Introducing impedance,引入阻抗2)introduction,引入3)import,引入4)introduce,引入5)introducing,引入6)lead-in,引入


    Discussion on terminology in western translatology and its introduction into Chinese translation studies;


    Biological invasions are a continuous feature of a non-equilibrium world, ever more so as a result of accidental and deliberate introductions by mankind.

    生物入侵是不均衡世界的一个永恒话题 ,尤其是当人类有意或无意地引入物种后。

    This paper analyses the necessity and significance of ISO9000quality system in higher educa-tion administration,points out that introduction of ISO9000quality system is to meet the need of populariz-ing higher education,challenge of entering WTO and improvement of teaching administration.


    The authentic assessment is a kind of new education evaluation principle,importing authentic assessment in mathematics teaching is good for enhancing students motivation in mathematics study, combining mathematics teaching with assessment organically and also leading students as well as their parents participating in assessment increasing.


    There are obstacles from motivations,technologies,concepts and systems,if we introduce performance management,which comes from private sectors,into public sectors completely.


    In attempt at the problems in physics experiment teaching, this paper studies the significance and methods of introducing the history of physics into experiment teaching.


    In order to cultivate the students ability of prediction,teachers can use "lead-in approach" to guide the students to combine the information with cultural knowledge,to enlarge their vocabulary,to analyze the new information in the listening material.


    When teaching A New English Textbook, we attempt to apply the five steps, that is lead-in, elicitation, input, practice and output to our teaching, with an aim to enhance students communicative competence and improve their English language qualifications.


    Applying the reading methods "lead-in" is the effective way to attract the students interest arouse their appetite for knowledge and improve the teaching quality.

    而合理地运用“引入”法正是提高学生阅读兴趣 ,调动学习积极性 ,增加学生图式知识的有效办法。

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