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toxic discharge是什么意思



1)toxic discharge,有毒排放2)toxic discharge,有毒排放物3)toxic discharge,有毒排放物;有毒废水4)noxious emission,有害排放物;有毒气体5)hazard waste emission,有害排放6)exhaust emission,有害排放物


    A research program is conducted to determine the effect of advance injection angle s varieties on exhaust emission and the power performance of LPG-diesel dual-fuel engine.


    The Australian wild life also suffers from the cars' toxic emissions.


    Cars also send poisonous gases into the air.


    Discharge Provisions of Noxious Liquid Substances of MARPOL 7378


    The discharge of toxic waste gas and dust into the atmosphere shall be strictly restricted.


    Article 36 Pathogen-contaminated sewage may be discharged only after it is disinfected to meet the relevant standards of the State.

    第三十六条 排放含病原体的污水,必须经过消毒处理; 符合国家有关标准后,方准排放。

    Phenols are poisonous pollutants produced in the production process of many kinds of industry.


    It is forbidden to construct new project in residential are as that discharge waste gas or dust containing toxic matters.


    Article18. It is forbidden to construct new project in residential are as that discharge waste gas or dust containing toxic matters.


    Some specified scrubber( s) to treat toxic or hazardous gases should be provided at the end of exhaust system and the concentration of exhaust gas should be meet the CCIQ policy.


    2 Some specified scrubber(s) to treat toxic or hazardous gases should be provided at the end of exhaust system and the concentration of exhaust gas should be meet the CCIQ policy.


    fugitive emission


    (1) discharge of dust, fetor or other gases with toxic substances into the atmosphere without taking any effective measures to prevent and control pollution;


    Petrol fumes from car engines poison the atmosphere.


    Petrol fumes from car engines poison the air.


    The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke.


    When farmer spray poison to kill plant pests, poison is sent into the air the water and the soil.

    农民为了杀死害虫而喷撒农药的时候,有毒物就被排放到空气中, 水里和土壤里。

    If more and more cars run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will is given off, polluting the atmosphere.


    If more and more cars run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere.

    如果愈来愈多的小汽车奔跑在马路上, 会排放出大量有毒气体, 污染空气。

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