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active power relay是什么意思



1)active power relay,有功功率继电器2)active power,有功3)active power,有功功率4)active power coefficient,有功系数5)MW Margin,有功裕度6)active power measurement,有功测量


    Based on the physics meaning of reactive power, this text introduces an exact method of calculating to calculate active power and reactive power, and some wrong concepts existingin calculatingreactive power.


    First, this paper lists formula of active power by analyzing the composing of instantaneous power, then discusses the effect of prefilter to electric energy metering, how to measure electric energy in transient condition, and the influence of load type to the conversion of electric energy.


    The measurement method of reactive power in traction substation,which main transformer is impedance-matching balance one,is discussed.

    通过理论计算和数字仿真 ,分析了在牵引变电所低压侧用有功表计量无功的误差 ,得到了计量结果较实际值偏大的结论 ,对于牵引变电所无功计量方式的设计和运行有一定的指导作用。

    Asynchronous sampling scheme for active power measurement;


    Soft stop control of high-voltage asynchronous motor based on active power close loop;


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