A flow injection on line extraction chromatographic separation and preconcentration system is proposed for the determination of trace palladium by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS).
以三异辛胺萃淋树脂为微型柱固定相 ,采用流动注射在线预浓集与火焰原子吸收法联用技术 ,对微量钯的测定进行了研究。
This paper introduces a new technique of ozone on line oxidation to sterilize RO filtrated pure water for drinking.
本文介绍了一种盘管在线式臭氧接触氧化处理 RO纯水工艺。
A new on line detection method of the turning time is proposed based on the relations of solubilised oxygen, and both of oxygen and carbon dioxide in off gas versus the microbe concentration along with time.
在实验室通过研究在线检测参数溶解氧、尾气氧和尾气二氧化碳随时间的变化与菌体浓度的关系 ,提出了判断转发酵时间的新方法 ,即当溶解氧曲线降至低谷时 ,菌体对数生长期即将结束 ,可以转入发酵期 ;尾气氧和尾气二氧化碳曲线在菌体对数生长期的后期分别形成低谷和峰值 ,此时可以转发酵。