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1)conspectus,摘要,梗要,简介;线路示意图,流程图,一览表2)compendium,提纲,摘要,一览表3)schematic circuit diagram,电路简图;线路概要图4)image digest,图像摘要5)image hashing,图像摘要6)book abstract,图书摘要


    An HVS-based image hashing method incorporating a Watson s sensitivity matrix is proposed.


    Perceptual image hashing maps an image to a short data string,applicable to image authentication,content-based image retrieval,digital watermarking,etc.


    The Research on Conceptual Graph Indexing of Book Abstract in Book Retrieval;


    The written request, specification, patent claim, appended drawings and abstract shall be numbered separately in Arabic numerals and arranged in numerical order.


    The open-shelves loan system is the inevitable developing trend of the library.


    Covariance is the ultimate law of library science development which has been proved by library science history.


    Library and Information Science Abstracts, LISA


    The request, description, claims, drawings and abstract shall be numbered separately in Arabic numerals and arranged in numerical order.


    There are many inharmonious phenomena in the development of university library, which restrict the development of university library.


    In this paper, the author explained the definition of reselection and its role in the process of collection weeding and collection development.


    Abstract Essentials of Library and lnformation Science in Chinese No.7


    Library Science Abstract Database Under Network Environment


    (2) the abstract of the description of an invention or utility model, the drawings or photographs of a design and its brief explanation;


    {Summary tasks cannot be deleted in the Network Diagram view.}Switch to another view to delete the summary task.


    This paper expounds that library's cataloguing process is a value-added process, and probes into the paths for realizing the maximum value added of cataloguing.


    Each repository contains intellectual capital -- project proposals and work papers, engagement summaries, presentations and reports, process maps, software solutions and so forth.


    Humanized management and service are the tenet to many libraries as academic service organization in recent years.


    What task information do you want to display with your summary Gantt bars?


    patent abridg(e)ment

    专利说明书节本, 专利摘要

    a brief abstract (as of an article or book).


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