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true electric charge是什么意思



1)true electric charge,真电荷2)real charge,真实电荷3)Spurious Charge,乱真电荷4)motor load simulation,电机负荷仿真5)vacuum load,真空负荷6)dummy load,代真载荷


    It is agreed that the interaction energy of a charge system involving image charges equals those of a real charge syste


    It is pointed out that the interaction energy and interaction force of a charge system involving image charges equals those of a real charge system respectively and the self energy and total energy of a charge system involving image charges not equals those of a real charge system.


    This paper fully analysed the noise sources,mainly discussed two extra sources – Spurious Charge and Excess Noise Factor,and calculated the SNR of EMCCD.


    The vacuum load,the structure of the guide tubes and the pumping system for 30_barrels pellet injector were introduced.


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