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acoustic hair cell是什么意思



1)acoustic hair cell,听毛细胞2)bristle cell,听毛细胞3)hair cell,听毛细胞4)trichobothria,听毛5)auditory hair,听毛6)auditory hairs,听毛7)socket of trichobothria,听毛窝


    Five characters including tarsal organ,maxillary cuspuels,trichobothria,stridulating organ and spinnerets of 10 Chinese mygalomorph species belonging to 9 genera of 5 families and one Chinese mesothelea,species were observed using scanning electron microscope for the first time: Atypus karschi,Calommata signata(Atypidae),Latouchia formosensis formosensis,Latouchia sp.

    (Hexathelidae)和中华七纺蛛Heptathela sinensis(中纺亚目,Liphistiidae)的跗节器、听毛和听毛基部、颚叶尖突、螯肢和颚叶的发声器及纺器纺管5个特征。

    The tarsal organ,socket of trichobothria and spinnerets of three lynx spiders(Hamataliwa sikkimensis,Oxyopes javanus and Peucetia latikae) were observed by SEM.


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