Quantitative evaluation of pharynx wall resilience of OSAS by fibre endoscope with the Muller maneuver;
In order to observe the germicidal efficacy of endoscope disinfector and accompanting solid peracetic acid,carrier immersion quantitative method and simulated field trial were used to observe its disinfection efficacy.
模拟现场试验中,将含过氧乙酸1179mg/L、过氧化氢7726 mg/L固体过氧乙酸消毒剂置于专门内窥镜消毒机内,按机械规定程序进行循环消毒10 m in、无菌水冲洗和干燥等处理程序共20 m in,对污染在模拟载体及胃镜、支气管镜内腔的枯草杆菌黑色变种芽孢的消除率≥99。