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carnation latent virus是什么意思



1)carnation latent virus,香石竹潜病毒2)carlavirus,香石竹潜病毒组3)Carlavirus,香石竹潜隐病毒属4)Caination virus disease,香石竹病毒5)Carnation mottle virus,香石竹斑驳病毒6)Carnation ringspot virus,香石竹环斑病毒


    Molecular Variation and Characterisation on Some Members of Genera Potyvirus and Carlavirus from China;

    用马铃薯Y病毒科(family Potyviruidae)特异性简并引物(Sprimer,M4)和香石竹潜隐病毒属(genus Carlavirus)简并引物[Pcarl(+),M4]对12科40个植物样品进行RT-PCR扩增来检测植物病毒,结合序列分析,鉴定了了13种植物病毒共23个分离物,其中一些样品中存在两种病毒的复合侵染。

    Production of monoclonal antibodies to Carnation mottle virus and it s application in virus detection;


    On the basis of these characteristics, the virus isolate was considered to be identical to carnation mottle virus (CarMV

    由此 ,可基本认为该病毒分离物为香石竹斑驳病毒 (Carnationmottlevirus ,CarMV)。

    Carnation mottle virus infected 5 plant species from 3 families out of 13 plant species from 5 families tested.


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