Talking about the Concrete Implementation of Promoting the Peasant Household Project in the Poor Villages;
This event is called when the user adds an attachment to the item.
Project leader should help demonstrator to record down all the question being asked by the customer.
Investigation and analysis on household electric power consumption and demand in "Song Dian Dao Xiang" project;
&Add to Project...
Specify which items users can edit: All items
请指定用户可编辑的项目: 所有项目
Specify which items users can read: All items
请指定用户可读取的项目: 所有项目
Completely Web-based solutions, don't typically provide the wealth of project management and reporting features found in their client/server counterparts.
An item is judged to be material if it is important enough to influence the decisions of statement users.
In the Expiration date box, type the date you no longer want this item to appear on the portal site.
Add to Project &Group
The user options settings file for this project is missing the '%1' section.
Open the Projects form using the Projects button on the Clients form.
Check in the project. The user who has the project checked out might lose changes.
Specify which items users can edit: Only their own
请指定用户可编辑哪些项目: 仅其自己的项目
Specify which items users can read: Only their own
请指定用户可读取的项目: 仅其自己的项目
Projects: Select the projects that users in this category can view
项目: 请选择属于此类别的用户能够查看的项目
Principal Project Management Practice of Real Estate Projects--Management of Quality Checking by Every House;