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new year's resolution是什么意思



1)new year's resolution,新年立志2)Magazine of New Youth,新青年杂志3)New China founded 60 years,新中国成立60年4)Resolution,立志5)60 years after the people's republic of China foundation,新中国成立六十年6)Sixty Decades since the Founding of People's Republic of China,新中国成立60周年


    Evolution and Future Prospect on China Sports Development Strategy since New China founded 60 years


    Review of the Gardening Achievements of Guangzhou in the Past 60 Years


    The Study of the Definition of the Term Min-Zu in the 60 Years Since the Establishment of the PRC


    On the Contribution of Peasants to Construction of New China for 60 Years


    Development and Innovation of the Concept of Peaceful Diplomacy since the Establishment of New China


    The Glorious Achievement of Veterinary Science Epidemic Prevention in Our Country during 60 Years Since the Foundation of the People’s Republic of China


    Some Basic Experience of the CPC's Ideological and Political Education Since 60 Years


    Development,Development Outlook and Development Layout:An Exploration of the Development Problems in the Sixty Years after the Foundation of PRC


    Development,the View of Development and the Layout of Development

    发展 发展观 发展布局——新中国成立60年发展问题的探索与创新

    The Sixty-year's Development of Higher Pharmacy Education in China


    Reviewing the Development of Industry in Xinjiang since the Founding of People's Republic of China


    Discussion on the Experiences of National Regional Autonomy in 60 Years since the Foundation of People's Republic of China


    On the Innovation and the Characteristics of Reporting Model about China's 60th Anniversary


    Development and Great Changes of Economic Society in Xinjiang since the Founding of People's Republic of China


    China,a Country in Rapid Development:Commemorating the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China,with a Look at Prospects for the Twenty-first Century


    Discussion on New China's cultural policy of ethnic minorities for 60 years --A series of researches on the policies toward nationalities for the 60th anniversary of New China's foundation: Ⅵ


    Discussion on New China's national language policy of ethnic minorities for 60 years --A series of researches on the policies toward nationalities for the 60th anniversary of New China's foundation: Ⅶ


    Discussion on New China's custom policy of ethnic minorities for 60 years--A series of researches on the policies toward nationalities for the 60th anniversary of New China's foundation:Ⅷ


    Discussion on New China's cadre system of ethnic minorities for 60 years--A series of researches on the cadre system of ethnic minorities for the 60th anniversary of New China's foundation: Ⅳ


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