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Freon 40B是什么意思

中文翻译氟利昂40B,甲基溴,溴甲烷 F4


1)Freon 40B,氟利昂40B;甲基溴;溴甲烷 F42)Freon 40,氟利昂40;甲基氯;氯甲烷 F43)Freon 13B1,氟利昂13B1;三氟溴甲烷 F14)F4 flow,F4流5)F4 faultage,F4断层6)F1、F2、F4 generation,F1、F2、F4代


    This thesis analyzes substantial reasons of the phenomenon of tunnel F4 faultage and water bursting and it also invesitages and proposes relative processing principals,specific measures,effective methods of constructions and technical requirements.


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