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chemical dump是什么意思

中文翻译化学废料 CD


1)chemical dump,化学废料 CD2)cadmium-free filler metal,无Cd钎料3)Cd rich starting materials,富Cd原料4)CD14/genetics,CD/遗传学5)CD optical pickup,CD光学头6)CD molecular sieve,CD催化剂


    This paper discusses the function of CD optical pickup para me ter adjust equipment in the process of CD optical pickup assembly.


    This paper focuses on the technique requirements for disproportion synthesizing p cymene with monocyclic monoterperpene as raw material and CD molecular sieve as catalyst.

    研究结果表明CD催化剂具有制备简单、价格低廉、回收简单、没有污染和腐蚀性等特点 。

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