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air pollution control是什么意思

中文翻译空气污染控制 APC


1)air pollution control,空气污染控制 APC2)APC control,APC控制3)APC mechanism,APC机制4)APC control circuit,APC控制电路5)APC control system,APC控制系统6)advanced process control(APC),先进控制(APC)


    The APC control technique and model control method were used in double side shear of Plate Plant of Jinan Iron and Steel Co.


    A new remote-thread injection technology was proposed based on APC mechanism.


    By using the Signal mechanism on Linux system, we can implement the Asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) in process creating, so that we can simulate the APC mechanism for the procedure of loading and linking Windows DLL, and prepare for start up the process.


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