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completely halogenated是什么意思

中文翻译全氯化的 CH


1)completely halogenated,全氯化的 CH2)XY–H catalyst,XY$CH催化剂3)Calcium hydroxide(CH),氢氧化钙(CH)4)chlorinated hydrocarbon,氯化碳氢化合物 CH5)CH stars,CH星6)imazine,依嗪(指含=C=N-CH=N-的化合物)


    The application of the XY–H catalyst produced in Xiangyang Chemical Complex in the slurry process HDPE unit of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company was introduced.


    Using two models of wind accretion,we calculate the relations between surface carbon Abumdance of secondary stars and the orbical periods for CEMP stars and CH stars,and calculate the relations of contamination factor R with orbital periods,and estimate variation of binary separation vs.


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