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apple fruit moth是什么意思



1)apple fruit moth,花揪巢蛾2)Yponomeutidae evonymellus L,稠李巢蛾3)Comoritis albicapilla,荔枝巢蛾4)Yponomeutidae,巢蛾科5)Metanomeuta,褐巢蛾属6)Swammerdamia,腹巢蛾属


    The Insectici Activities of Crude Extracts from 6 Medicine Plants Against the Larvae of Yponomeutidae evonymellus L.;


    There is one generation a year of Comoritis albicapilla Moriuti, a new yponomeutid moths pest damages seriously on the bark of lichi tree, in Guangdong Province.

    为害荔枝树皮的新害虫荔枝巢蛾Comoritis albicapilla Moriuti在广东1年发生1代,由于幼虫藏匿于自身吐丝粘连粪粒组成的双层网下,使农药防治困难。

    The genus Metanomeuta Meyrick is reviewed in the present paper.

    对褐巢蛾属Metanomeuta Meyrick进行了修订,重新描述了模式种,讨论了其形态变异;记述2个新种,即岳西褐巢蛾Metanomeuta yuexiensis sp。

    This paper deals with four species of the genus Swammerdamia Hübner.

    对中国腹巢蛾属Swammerdamia Hübner,(1825)进行了研究,涉及到4个种:桦腹巢蛾Swammerdamia caesiella(Hübner, 1796) (中国新纪录种) ,淡腹巢蛾Swammerdamia pyrella(de Villers,1789) ,郑氏腹巢蛾Swammerdamia zhengisp。

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