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high-metallicity cluster是什么意思



1)high-metallicity cluster,高金属度星团;2)high-metallicity cluster,高金属度星团3)high gold halo,高金晕4)rich sulfured,高金矿5)high gold alloy,高金合金6)mark-up,标高金7)maximum precoated metal temperature,最高金属板温8)Peak metal temperature(PMT),最高金属板温(PMT)9)Pd-free high gold PFM,无钯高金瓷熔附金属10)Amberoxan,双环二氢高金合欢醚


    The Prospecting pattern of this mine was Charaterized by high gold halo,high polarization,high magnetic field skip,low resistivity and low potential,and the optimum place of gold mineralization was located at the intersection of NE fault and NEE fault.

    诸暨璜山金矿是除治岭头以外浙江省第二金矿 ,它的找矿模式为“三高两低一复合”的找矿模式 ,即高金晕、高极化率、高磁场跳跃、低电阻率、低电位和北东断裂与北东东断裂复合处是成矿最有利部位。

    Comparision of the clinic effect of high gold alloy and Ni-Cr alloy veramic crown;


    Objective To compare the clinic effect of the ceramic crowns made of Ni-Cr alloy and Ni-Cr alloy containing Ti and high gold alloy.


    During the bidding process of a construction project, how to calculate the mark-up directly influences whether the contractor can win the bidding and make profit, as well as the contractor’s survival and prosperity in the future.


    First this thesis supplies that the accuracy of cost estimate and the level of mark-up are important in the bidding process by ana.


    Coil coatings was thermal analyzed and researched with DSC in order to test glass transition temperature (Tg) of the paint film at the maximum precoated metal temperature (PMT) and determine the optimal curing conditions of different coil coatings.


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