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digit position,digit place,bit site,column,symbol rank是什么意思



1)digit position,digit place,bit site,column,symbol rank,数位位置2)numeral phenomenon,数位3)place,(数)位4)digital learning,数位学习5)digital panel,数位板6)digital content,数位内容


    After research and comparison of the features of drawing by trandional 2-D softwares and digital panel, a new concept was raised --- hiberachy synthetical representation for the sketch in product design.


    Under the trend of digitalized and network based scholarly communication, constructing a fair used, convenient and integrated system of on campus digital content management and service is necessary and urgent mission to higher educational sector, especially to university library—the collector and carrier of knowledge.

    在数位化与网路化的学术典藏传播大趋势下 ,建构一个完整、方便、迅速与合理使用的校园数位内容经营服务体系 ,是兼具教育与研究两大使命的大学机构必须进行的工作 ,特别是对身负知识典藏与传播责任的图书馆来说 ,更是刻不容缓的任务 。

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