In teaching, we should attach importance to the cultivation of students volatilization thinking, strengthen the training of adverse thinking, break through one-way thinking, realize the horizontal transference of knowledge.
eliminary research on the relation between oil-gas exploration effectiveness and exploration level.;
Analysis and Comprehensive Prevention and Cure the Pouring Water of Two Level in Mining Face;
Talking about the reform of conveying system in the second level drift of Xinxing Coal Mine;
Experimental Study on Single-Phase Liquid Friction Factor in Rolling Horizontal Pipe;
To transform GZY - 50 type rig into a horizontal rig, on the basis of its primary organs, especially the hydraulicpressure system, that meets the request of the horizontal rig.
在保持GZY -5 0型钻机的机构的基础上 ,将它改造成水平钻机 ,特别是针对它的液压系统进行改造 ,使之液压系统的功能满足水平钻机的要求。
Objective To investigate the horizontal transmission of viruse after inoculation with live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine.
目的 探讨甲型肝炎 (甲肝 )减毒活疫苗接种后的病毒水平传播。
This paper has proposed a method of intergration which can promote the comprehensive designing standard in course design.
Studies on Dietary Protein and Energy Levels and Its Effect on Productive Performance in Landrace-Yorkshire Hybrid Sows;
SOLO model is a theory structure to classify the observed learning outcome with main features of models of thinking and levels of complexity.
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