Philosophy of process is the restoration of the modern realism;
In the medieval European,the struggle between nominalism and realism,and the dispute between faith and rationalism made the 16th century Religious Reformation finally achieve the regression of itself consciousness,which prelude the free development of modern western European ideology.
With his radical theory of I-language, which he has developed on the basis of a fusion of realism, naturalism and mentalism, Chomsky challenges many of the received opinions in academic discourse, calling into question in particular traditional thinking about how language is related to the wo.
This article expounds systematically the basis and request of police eloquence s truthfulness principle, legality principle, instruction principle and artistry principle, and indicates the relationship between principles: mut.
The practical and realistic core of Chen Yun s c om rade is "not only up, not only book, only and only solid", the thought foundatio n is theories with combine together physically.
陈云同志实事求是的核心是“不唯上 ,不唯书 ,只唯实” ,思想基础是把理论与实际相结合。
Marxist philosophic theory on social history has developed beyond the traditional framework of social nominalism and social realism,insinsting on interpreting the nature of the society in the light of "practice".
马克思的社会历史哲学理论超越了“社会唯名论”和“社会唯实论”的传统框架 ,坚持对社会本质的“实践论”掌握 ,认为“社会价值”遵循着自身固有的“超合逻辑” ,绝非单个个体价值的简单加和 ;就内在特质而言 ,社会价值决非既定的、本体论式的抽象观念预设 ,而是关系质的、生成性的 ;社会价值的内涵层次可划分为社会主体价值和社会客体价值两大类 ,是两类价值的有机统一。
In the over 160 years of western sociology, two conflicting trends have existed; social nominalism and social realism.
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