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hedonic self regulation是什么意思



1)hedonic self regulation,享乐的自我调整享乐的自我调整2)hedonic selfregulation,享乐的自我调整享乐的自我调整3)enjoyment,享乐4)gastronomy,享乐主义5)Hedonism,享乐主义6)hedonic prices,享乐定价7)hedonic approach,享乐方法8)enjoying sightseeing,游冶享乐9)hedonism,享乐观10)materialism,物质享乐


    People are constantly exploring the unknown fields in the process of walk ing,including their enjoyment and g ames.


    With the analysis of the temporal features of the social customs in earlier Xi-han period,it is concluded that there are three aspects,including the fortune-pursuing intention,worldly enjoyment-pursing behavior,and the expectation of immortality.


    But the body breaking loose of concepts,which was effected by commercialism,was being to the field of gastronomy from personalist ractice.


    Western liberalism, money worship, gastronomy, individualism and utilitarianism are the main trend of social thoughts which have greatly impacted current university students.


    Nowadays gastronomy philosophy is prevailing and has become the life and moral beliefs that are widely worshipped.


    Walking out of faults of hedonism;


    Construction of the Advanced!Nature of Communists renders it necessary to conquer the bad style within the Chinese Communist Party, and one prominent problem in current life style within the Party is hedonism.


    The spreading of hedonism on campus erodes the students′ spirits,influences their views of the world,of life,of value,of the major-course study and of the health in mind and body so that they are now lack of ideal beliefs,their moral value decreases,which collid.


    A comparative analysis of hedonic prices and present house price appraisal methods;


    it is pionted out that hedonic approach which was developed for solving marginal implict price of amenties may be applied to price urban land.


    Three characteristics are featured in the chivalry culture of Song Ci,such as making friends with chivalrous men,enjoying sightseeing and performing meritorious deeds.


    Influenced by these thoughts,this article focuses on the appearance of the consumer culture in the late 19th century,and by analyzing the commodity consuming,hedonism and notion of time in Wilde s long novel The Picture of Dorian Gray,to tell readers the unconscious penetration of consumer culture in Oscar Wilde s main works.


    According to a recent research from some US university psychologists, materialism is bad for a person’s emotion and happiness of health.


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