Content: From the relations between Transcendence and four circumstances, langue and thoughts, object and mind, shape and spirit, conceiving of image, this thesis discovered the development of Transcendence , defined its meanings, displayed the relation between Transcendence and interrelated items, identified the place of Transcendence.
The thinking pattern of the unity between heart and object is the basis to feel the objects through the heart and express the inner energy and qi activity by the Chinese artists.
Music should express "the interaction between heart and the objective", "the interaction between human individual and the universe"; and only such music can be called of concordance, of courtesy, of kindness, of beauty.
儒家音乐思想中尽善尽美的审美标准 ,礼乐教化、仁、和的审美态度 ,形成了儒家学说“心物感应”、“天人感应”,礼乐和谐和美善统一的音乐美学观。
The telecentric objective deoign of CCD size detection system is discussed with the measuring accuracy of ±0.
0 0 3mm的 CCD尺寸检测系统的远心物镜设计。
Mind-body theory and mind-matter theory,as the basic academic topics in philosophy and psychology,point theoretically to the essence of mentality.
The test has used the present time to distinct target and distractor.
作为注意的机制——抑制在注意选择中对分心物是如何起作用的 ,抑制和干扰是一种什么关系 ?笔者采用负启动实验范式 ,利用目标、分心物呈现时间先后来分离分心物的干扰作用 。
We focused on how number of distractor,cue validity and singleton or non-singleton affect the development of selective attention of primary school children.
Three factors involved were number of distractor,color changing of target and target form changing.
This article analyzes from the views on mind and matter to the intention and substance of his spirit of freedom,then to research for the thought value and revelation of modern times of Chuang Tzu.
The communication between mind and matter formed by aesthetical intuition could lead us to the perceptual existence and the deep of free consciousness of life.
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