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sample evidence是什么意思



1)sample evidence,样本根据2)per sample,根据样品3)Essential Basis,根本依据4)basis of essence,本质根据5)sample data,样本数据6)sampled data,样本数据


    Analysis on Essential Basis and Logical Rational Reason of the Construction of Buddhism s Philosophy Based on the Scriptures about Mind;


    Meanwhile,the article also discusses the questions on the basis of cr iminal responsibities for criminal negligence,through the three basises of crimi nal responsibilities--basis of justice,basis of essence and.

    我国刑事责任的根据有三层 :正义根据 ,本质根据和法律根据 ,并以此为指导讨论了我国过失犯罪责任根据的有关问题。

    Firstly, the preprocess of sample data are performed to get normal data for construction project bidding of complex indexes.


    Based on the characteristics of received sample data in the TD-SCDMA system, this paper combines the processes of polynomial regression reasonably and chooses the optimum partial sample data according to it.


    The key is how to use the sample data and mathematical model.


    In accordance with the check indexes of the land proportion division rationality in the land classification work,this paper analyzed the distribution conditions of the sampled data and put up various ways to check the sampled data.


    Analysis on Essential Basis and Logical Rational Reason of the Construction of Buddhism s Philosophy Based on the Scriptures about Mind;


    The fundamental basis for the formulation of China's national defense policy is China's national interests.


    Primary Stage Theory-Essential Foundation of Understanding Public Ownership Economy;


    on the authority of...


    Managing state affairs by law must first of all manage state affairs by constitution. Constitution is the essential premise、 gist and safeguard of managing state affairs by law.


    Adjusting Rural Economic Policies according to Farmers’ Demands;


    2.4 Any determination of specificity under the provisions of this Article shall be clearly substantiated on the basis of positive evidence.

    2.4 根据本条规定对专向性的确定应依据肯定性证据明确证明。

    furnish all such information and documentary evidence as the Company may require for supporting the claim.


    1. The customs value of imported goods under the provisions of this Article shall be based on a computed value.

    1. 根据本条的规定,进口货物的完税价格应依据计算价格确定。

    Question4: so basically theory of destiny is still groundless and lacking in scientific evidence. Right?


    An Non-existing Accomplice Kind--Coerced Offender--To query the coerced offender s criminal law basis andpolicy;


    (1) To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of this Law and legal procedures;


    To enact, amend or repeal laws in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law and legal procedures;


    Primary Approach and its Conditions for Social Individuals to Self-exceeding;


    3. Additions to the price actually paid or payable shall be made under this Article only on the basis of objective and quantifiable data.

    3. 根据本条规定加入实付和应付价格中的费用应以客观和可量化的数据为依据。

    "the application shall be treated under this Law in accordance with any agreement concluded between the country to which the applicant belongs and China, or in accordance with any international treaty to which both countries are party, or on the basis of the principle of reciprocity."


    1. As a general rule, customs value is determined under this Agreement on the basis of information readily available in the country of importation.

    1. 通常,完税价格根据本协定的规定并依据在进口国中可容易获得的信息予以确定。

    Based on medicine ecomony, efficacy and toxicity, the traditional Chinese medicine multi-modality treatment for advanced cancer and its scientific bases are investigated and discussed in this paper.


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