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rumor intensity formula是什么意思



1)rumor intensity formula,谣言强度公式谣言强度公式2)rumorintensity formula,谣言强度公式谣言强度公式3)rumor,谣言4)canard,谣言5)hearsay,谣言6)rumour,谣言7)Earthquake rumor,地震谣言8)diffusion of rumor,谣言扩散9)rumor short message,谣言短信10)social rumor,社会谣言


    Resource search algorithm based on rumor spreading mechanism in P2P network;


    Penetrating analysis on rumors before Russian reform of abolishing serfdom;


    Rumor and Panic during the SARS Crisis;


    On the basis of considering the new regulations on earthquake rumors in the “Law of the People s Republic of China on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters”and the “Regulations on Administration of Earthquake Predictions”,and in the light of the previous research work of other scientists, the authors of this paper give the new definition of earthquake rumors.

    在充分考虑《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》和《地震预报管理条例》中有关地震谣言的新规定的基础上 ,结合前人的工作 ,给出了地震谣言的新定义 ;对 1 995年 1 2月~ 1 999年 1月期间在我国发生的 31起地震谣言事件的起因和平息手段进行了研究 ,并对地震谣言进行了分类 ;将地震谣言的传播和发展过程分为三个阶段 ,归纳出了可以采用的地震谣言辟谣工作手段和在辟谣工作中应该注意的问题。

    The article suggests to inspect the diffusion of rumor within the communication infrastructure,in fact to put the rumor into the backdrop of communication ecology.


    On topological properties of propagation networks for rumor short message;


    When human beings enter-ing the information age,the dissemination of social rumor has presented many characteristics,for instance,high speed,wide-range.


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