His unconscious theory,being the core of his psychological analysis,brought about other theories such as personality construction theory,psychological motive theory and dream theory.
Lucian Freud s unconscious theory of deep psychology gets closer to the truth than mechanical materialism does,which shows that human being s mind is not the mirror or the whiteboard,but the innate structure,fully equipped with living organic tissue which was ignored by the mechanical materialism.
弗洛伊德的深层心理学的无意识理论较之机械反映论更接近真理,问题的症结在于我们多年来视之为绝对 真理的机械反映论忽视了人类的头脑不是镜子,也不是一块白板,而是一个有先在结构的、功能完备的活的有机组 织,它与外界事物相互作用,不是消极被动地反映外界事物。
The two sides of Freud s subconsciousness theory: Criticalness and ideologicalness;
The theory of social consciousness is one of contents of Marxist Materialism.
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