Comparative study on the mutagenicity of the gasoline-fueled vehicle exhaust and methanol-fueled vehicle exhaust;
A study on the mutagenicity of organic extracts and metal features of TSP in Xi'an City;
Studies on mutagenicity removal effect in drinking water;
In order to evaluate the mutation effect of the 5 kinds of pesticides,SOS/Umu chromotest was applied to 2,4-D Butylate,Butachlor,Starane,Argold and Metribuzin.
In order to evaluate the mutation effect of the alkyl-hydroxybenzene, SOS/Umu chromotest was applied to 4 samples.
The mutation potential of ethephon was by investigated the micronucleus test of bone marrow polychromatophilic erythroblastsPCE cells and sperm shape abnormality test in mice.
Study of mutagenicity in waste water discharged from petroleum exploit and petrochemical industry;
Sensitivity of photobacterial dark mutant for detecting chemical′s mutagenicity;
The study on the Mutagenicity of Soil,Ground water and Vegetable in Wastewater Irrigation Area;
Removal of organic substances and Ames mutagens from drinking water using both O_3 + AC and membranes process;
Expermental results of the effect and mechanism of removing TOC and Ames mutagens from drinking water using AC NF process showed that the adsorptive ability of AC was limited,depending on the characters of AC and the organic matters in drinking water.
分别以地表水和地下水为水源的水厂出水为研究对象 ,探讨活性炭 纳滤膜工艺对饮用水中总有机碳和Ames致突变物的去除效果及机理 。
The source water and effluents of five kinds of water purification process were studied by Ames tests,the results show that bioceramic can remove direct mutagens partly,and decline the MR value of the raw water.
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