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mediannerve cord是什么意思



1)mediannerve cord,中神经索2)Median nerve,正中神经3)median,正中神经4)middle cervical ganglion block,颈中神经节5)Recurrent branch of median nerve,正中神经返支6)Palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve,正中神经掌皮支7)Median nerve injury,正中神经损伤8)Median nerve compression,正中神经卡压9)recurrent branch of the median nerve,正中神经返支10)Median nerve/injuries,正中神经/损伤


    Functional changes after Median nerve or Ulnar nerve fascicle transfer;


    Median nerve fascicle transfer to biceps muscle branch of the musculocutaneous nerve for restoration of elbow flexion;


    Anatomical study on sensory tracts of wrist median nerve pedicled with nutrient vessels transferring to join wrist ulnar nerve;


    Anatomical study on the position susceptible to entrapment and damage of the recurrent branch of median nerve;


    The localization of the recurrent branch of the median nerve through "three points clench fist method ";


    Methods:Made an observation and measurement of track of the transverse carpal ligament,the carpal canal and the ulnar carpal canal and observed situation of the recurrent branch of the median nerve in the corpse.

    方法 :在尸体上观察并测量腕横韧带、腕管、腕尺侧管的径线 ,并观察正中神经返支的情况。

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