In the growing process before harvest,if planters don t harvest for some reasons beyond their control,their acts constitute unaccomplished offence;On the other hand,if the planters willingly root out the plants before harvest,it s crime discontinuance.
The crime discontinuance in potenti al damage offence refers that an a ct o r stops criminal behav-ior antomatically or prevent harmfu l consequence effe ctively and autom atically in the course of direct intention crime.
Discuss the Discontinued Crime from a Disputable Case;
The form of discontinued crime is most often independent, but under some circumstances it may coexist with other forms of crime such as accomplished crime, attempted crime and crime preparation.
Generally speaking,it is better to consider the concurrence as discontinuation of a crime although it doesn t conform to the criminal regulations.
Referring to the judgment of voluntariness of discontinuation of a crime,China\'s general doctrine stands on a correct position which exercises the judgment from the criminal\'s subjective aspect.
Whether the concurrence between crime quitting and incapable not—realizing crime belongs to the desistance of crime should be determined by the validity of the behavior.
At present, both the Judicature apparatus in practice and the jurists in research have quite different opinions on the issue of how to determine the desistance of crime among cases of complicity.
At present, both the judicial apparatus in practice and the jurists in research have quite different opinions on the issue of how to determine the desistance of crime among cases of complicity.
当前对于共同犯罪案件如何认定犯罪中止 ,学术界和司法实践中是仁者见仁 ,智者见智。
The Condition of discontinuance of crime is Cant be Confused the Condition of one who discontinues a crime.
About the theory and relevant regulations in intentional crime’s stage, the criminal law of two places involves the existence difference in such three respects as crime in preparation, the concept and punishment of attempted crime, the form of expression in discontinuance of crime.
关于故意犯罪阶段形态的理论及其相关规定方面, 两地刑法主要在犯罪预备、犯罪未遂之概念及其处罚以及犯罪中止的表现形式等三方面存在差异。
The existing Criminal law of China treats discontinuance of crime as an independent concept and system among the unfinished st.
The Valid Research into Desistance from Offence in Joint Offence;
Research on the Differences and Concurrence between Discontinuation of a Crime and Attempted Crime;
On the Concurrence between the Desistance of Crime and Other Torms of Crimes;
On Coexistence of the Form of Discontinued Crime and Other Suspended Forms of Crime;
Rethinking on Discontinuance of Crime and One Who Discontinues Crime;
Discontinuation of a crime occurs when, during the process of committing a crime, the actor voluntarily discontinues the crime or voluntarily and effectively prevents the consequences of the crime from occurring.
Article24 Discontinuation of a crime refers to a case where, in the course of committing a crime, the offender voluntarily discontinues the crime or voluntarily and effectively prevents the consequences of the crime from occurring.
On the Perfection of the Joint Offense Discontinue Theory in Our Country s Criminal Law;
Further Researches on Forms of Desistance of Crime;
Restudies in Problems Whether Potential Damage Offense Come into Being Discontinuation of Actual Damage Offense;
Discontinuation of a crime for dangerous offense after the hazard occurs;
From Retreating Golden Bridge to Single-log Bridge;
on the discontinuation after completion of crime--taking the Potential damage offence as visual angle;
crime prevention, rates
防止犯罪的措施、 犯罪率
a crusade against crime
Pondering over Abolition of Death Penalty in Crime of Economy in Our Country;
There is crime to be conquered, the rough crime of the streets.
Crimestop, they called it in Newspeak.
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